Empowerment of adolescents for democracy and social solidarity
The project “DemokratieTalente”, meaning “DemocracyTalents”, aims to reach gifted young adolescents from low-income, poor educational, and socially disadvantaged backgrounds in Germany and give them the opportunity of joining their empowerment programme. The programme takes course over a year and is split into three distinct phases. Phase one, “Take”, offers participants the chance to take part in first-class politics, economics, and administration internships. This is followed by the second phase called “Give”, where participants may choose to volunteer in a cause of choice. The last phase, “Do”, entails the young adolescent sharing the work of the programme within their respective schools in order to create increased awareness. Thus, the so-called democracy-talents act as catalysts and simultaneously, role models in the sparking of democratic values amongst their younger peers. During phase three, participants are supported and accompanied by their teachers, “DemocracyScouts” so that an appropriate environment for the message to be spread is created.
Focus of foundation: Equal opportunities
Target group: Young people

Project time frame:
July 2024 until June 2027

Total funding amount:
712,573.64 €

Project location:
Ruhr area, Hamburg, Berlin (Germany)
Empowerment of young people for democracy and social solidarity

Contact details
Common Purpose Deutschland GmbH
Max-Brauer-Allee 40
22765 Hamburg
commonpurpose.de →