Growing up in a healthy manner
This project’s overall aim can be found in the establishment of a family-primary school-centres network sharing their invaluable knowledge on how to raise children to grow up in a healthy manner. A school’s horizon has long expanded above solely being a teaching environment. Schools have transformed into a space of learning, living, and connecting with peers, which is why family-primary school-centres assist primary schools in smoothly ensuring that all these activities may take place. Learning support, outdoor activities, and healthy lifestyle information are being offered to children and their respective families. Moreover, parents may receive support as to how to tackle different phases of their children growing up, leading to enhanced and strengthened parental skills, as well as improved chances of children benefitting from a good education.
Focus of foundation: Equal opportunities
Target group: Children

Project time frame:
August 2024 until July 2027

Total funding amount:
300,000.00 €

Project location:
Essen (Germany)
Systematic promotion of growing up healthily

Contact details
Jugendhilfe & Jugendberufshilfe Essen
Schürmannstraße 7
45136 Essen
jh-essen.de →