Exposing extremist false promises
The project “School Without Far-Right Extremism & Antisemitism” (in German “Schule ohne Rechtsextremismus & Antisemitismus”) aims to vividly and in a relatable manner portray to young people the effects far-right ideologies can have on them and their families, and which people might fall to be direct victims of extremist activities. The organisation “Extremislos” teaches preventative courses on far-right extremisms, racism, and antisemitism to adolescents all over Germany. Due to their own background as leaders in the far-right scene, the speakers are familiar with the fascination and mystification emanating from these ideologies. Through workshops and one on one discourses with students in jeopardy, the speakers present their personal experiences and ways to escape in a realistic manner showing that a shift from being fuelled by hatred and violence to adapting peaceful ways is indeed possible. The young people are not only encouraged to firmly stand for an intercultural and violence-free community, but they learn how to identify extremist promises as wrong, manipulative, and dangerous.
Focus of foundation: Equal opportunities
Target group: Young people

Project time frame:
August 2024 until January 2025

Total funding amount:
50,000.00 €

Project location:
Deradicalisation of young people through vivid portrayals of former right-wing extremists
Contact details
Extremislos e.V.
P.O. Box 1115
23611 Bad Schwartau
www.extremislos.de →